December 2023 Newsletter
Winter Rains and Seasonal Impounds
Water in a confined area is referred to as an 'impound.' Rain-filled impounds can form in low-lying areas or when man-made structures like dams, levees, and gates prevent the flow of water. Much of our work in the rainy months is focused on seasonally-formed impounds. Staff manage these large impounded areas by inspecting for mosquito larvae and applying larvicides that control mosquitoes in the juvenile larval stage before they can become adults.
South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project Update

On December 13th, after a decade of planning, a major step in habitat restoration along the San Francisco Bay occurred when part of a salt pond levee was purposefully breached. The South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project invited key stakeholders to witness (from afar!) the breaching of the levee. Our District staff, including District Manager Brian Weber, Laboratory Director Angie Nakano, and Operations Director Casey Stevenson, have been involved as mosquito experts in planning meetings for this project. Moving forward, we will be checking for mosquito larvae in the newly breached area to learn where and when mosquitoes may breed in this water. We are looking forward to continued collaboration with the many agencies who brought this exciting project to fruition.
- See video footage of the levee breach HERE.
- Learn more about Save the Bay's work to create a horizontal level HERE.
- Learn more about Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge HERE (including the species for which this refuge provides habitat, including the California Clapper Rail and the Salt-marsh Harvest Mouse.)
Staff Presentations to Trustees During 'Trustee Field Day'
Staff presented to board trustees during 'Trustee Field Day' earlier this week. The District's Board of Trustees consists of 21 members, one from each city/town and one representative for the County at-large. Each trustee is appointed by their respective city council to govern the Mosquito and Vector Control District knowledgeably and effectively.
During our annual 'Trustee Field Day,' our vector control technicians share photos, data, and stories from the field with trustees from throughout the County. Trustees are always excited to learn more about how our staff protect public health for everyone living in, working in, and visiting San Mateo County. Learn more about our Board of Trustees HERE.