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Report biting mosquitoes

Photograph of a mosquito full of blood.  Text reads "report biting mosquitoes. your reports help us protect public health. 650-344-8592"

Are mosquitoes biting you in or around your home? Submit a report HERE or call 650-344-8592 to report biting mosquitoes.


Why report biting mosquitoes?

  • If you are noticing mosquitoes, your neighbors might be too, but they might not know to call us for help.  You can help your neighborhood stay mosquito-free by reporting!
  • It only takes one bite, from one infected mosquito, to transmit diseases like West Nile virus. 
  • Although West Nile virus is rarely found in San Mateo County, we aim to proactively keep mosquito populations low so that it is more difficult for West Nile virus to enter our area and become established.
  • We are on the look-out for invasive Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which are aggressive little mosquitoes that bite during the day. The earlier we can spot these in our County, the more likely we will be able to stop them from establishing in our County. These little mosquitoes are extremely annoying and have the potential to carry several different diseases. Learn more about invasive Aedes aegypti mosquitoes here.



Page last reviewed: June 19, 2024

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