Bylaws Governing Board of Trustees
Policy Number 4140
4140.10 Meeting Time
4140.11 Regular Meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held at 6:00 p.m. on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. The August regular Board meeting of the Board of Trustees may be cancelled. The December regular Board meeting of the Board of Trustees may be replaced with a Trustee Field Day.
4140.12 The time or date for holding regular meetings may be altered only by a simple majority vote at the preceding regular meeting, with appropriate notices given.
4140.13 Information for regular, special, and emergency Board meetings is outlined in District Policy 5010, Board Meetings.
4140.20 Meeting Place
4140.21 Regular meetings of the Board shall be held in the conference room of the District office, 1351 Rollins Rd, Burlingame, CA 94010, except as set forth in Section 4140.22, below.
4140.22 Meetings of the Board may be held at other locations as designated by the President, or in his/her absence by the Vice-President, or by a majority vote of the Board, providing due notice is given in accordance with State law.
4140.30 Meetings Rules
4140.31 Verbal verification of the date of the next regular Board meeting shall be made by the presiding officer prior to the adjournment of each regular meeting. Board members will be mailed notices of regular meeting date, time and place, a copy of the agenda, and the documents in the agenda packet at least 72 hours before a regular Board meeting, in accordance with District Policy 5010. An electronic copy of the agenda and packet for each Board Meeting will also be sent via e-mail to each board member. A hard copy of the agenda shall be posted for public viewing at least 72 hours before a regular Board meeting in the display case outside the District office at 1351 Rollins Rd. Burlingame. An electronic copy of the agenda and board packet will also be posted on the District’s website 72 hours before each meeting,
Issued: May 14, 2003
Revised March 27, 2012
Reviewed: June 17, 2015
Board Approval: April 2016
Bylaws Governing Board of Trustees PDF version