Arielle Crews

Arielle received her B.S. in Wildlife Biology from the University of California, Davis, and her M.S. in Microbiology from San Francisco State University. Her graduate research focused on tick-borne diseases throughout the San Francisco Bay Area with a focus on Lyme disease. Prior to working as a Vector Ecologist, Arielle received a National Science Foundation grant to work within the San Mateo County Vector Control Laboratory, where she trained with District staff and developed molecular protocols for disease surveillance.
Outside of her District experience, she previously worked as a Vector Biologist for the California Department of Public Health in the Vector-Borne Disease Section. There, she conducted state-wide laboratory disease surveillance for an array of pathogens including West Nile, St. Louis encephalitis, Western Equine Encephalitis, Lyme disease, and plague. Arielle has also been involved in a wide breadth of academic research projects from across the country including Lyme disease in New York, Leptospirosis in Hawaii, and Hantavirus in New Mexico.
When she’s not in the laboratory, Arielle likes to sing off-key and jam on her ukulele.